In our language guides, you’ll see Ellii guide links with language levels. Ask your refugee buddy what level they are - and if they’re not quite sure, here’s a useful table.

CLB level (your refugee buddy will know what CLB level they are) Haven Language Program level (if your buddy is in lessons with us, they can ask their teacher) Ellii resources level What it means in simple English.
1 Starter Pre Beginner Brand new to learning our language! Start slow.
2-3 Elementary Beginner Basic conversations, but not much else.
4-5 Pre-Intermediate Lower Intermediate Good vocabulary and range, but still lacking confidence.
6-7 Intermediate Intermediate A strong speaker, although they still make mistakes.
8 Upper Intermediate High Intermediate Very strong, refining their English at this point.
9-12 Advanced Advanced A pro. Not someone you’ll likely see on Haven!