In our language guides, you’ll see Ellii guide links with language levels. Ask your refugee buddy what level they are - and if they’re not quite sure, here’s a useful table.
CLB level (your refugee buddy will know what CLB level they are) | Haven Language Program level (if your buddy is in lessons with us, they can ask their teacher) | Ellii resources level | What it means in simple English. |
1 | Starter | Pre Beginner | Brand new to learning our language! Start slow. |
2-3 | Elementary | Beginner | Basic conversations, but not much else. |
4-5 | Pre-Intermediate | Lower Intermediate | Good vocabulary and range, but still lacking confidence. |
6-7 | Intermediate | Intermediate | A strong speaker, although they still make mistakes. |
8 | Upper Intermediate | High Intermediate | Very strong, refining their English at this point. |
9-12 | Advanced | Advanced | A pro. Not someone you’ll likely see on Haven! |